21ste ONMK lange baan in Drachten Als Taakgroep Masters Zwemmen kunnen we eindelijk vol enthousiasme…
The regulations voor de Open Dutch Masters Championships 2019 short course in Zwolle are published. From December 1st the (Masters)secretariats can registerer.
There are some changes to the registration procedure. The (Masters)secretariats will register using a (digital) registration form. The registration period for foreign clubs is one week shorter than for Dutch clubs. The payment of these clubs must be transferred before publication of the entry lists.
An explanation below:
Entry form
In addition to the regulations, the digital entry form has also been published for registration. The required entry files can also be added via this entry form.
Only when the registration has been confirmed the entries can be processed further.
Registration is only possible per club by the (Masters)secretariat (note: which is therefore not changed compared to previous editions from the ODMC).
Registration period for foreign clubs
For foreign clubs the registration closes Monday December 24th, 23:59 (CET). That is one week earlier than for the Dutch clubs. The reason for this is that the payment of the entries must have been transferred before publication of the entry list (December 31st).
Payment foreign clubs
Only if the entry fees have been transferred to the organization in time, i.e. by Friday December 28th at the latest, the entries of the club will be processed and published on the entry list (date of publication December 31st 2018).
The regulations and needed files can be found here.
The (digital) entry form for the foreign clubs can be found here.
We look forward seeing you at the ODMC!
All information also on this website.