As Task Force Masters Swimming, we can finally enthusiastically confirm that DZ&PC Masters is organising…
The current measurements regarding the corona virus forced us to postpone the start of the entry period for the ODMC Eindhoven to at least April 1st 2020.
At this moment (March 13) these measurements force a lot of events in the Netherlands to cancel or postpone to at least after April 1st. Whether these measurements will influence the ODMC in May this year is hard to tell. At this time we have decided to postpone the start of the entry period for the ODMC to April 1st 2020. The closing date of the period will still be April 17 for Dutch clubs and April 10 for foreign clubs.
As soon as there are new measurements from the government or the KNZB that have consequences for the ODMC we will inform you in the usual ways.
Keep an eye on the official KNZB messages (In Dutch)
Taskforce Masters Swimming KNZB