As Task Force Masters Swimming, we can finally enthusiastically confirm that DZ&PC Masters is organising…
Dear Masters secretaries,
Due to the number of entries for the championships we cannot process all starts within an acceptable time schedule. Therefore the limitation proceedings as outlined in the competition rules will be effective. Would you please be so kind to share this information with your participating Masters.
During session 1 (Thursday afternoon) the 15 minute break is replaced by 2x 10 minutes (the exact times will be known when publishing the start lists).
The start times as noted in the program will be used as best as possible except session 5 which has been moved by 30 minutes and will start at 13 pm and will end at approximately 6.30 pm There are no adjustments during the other sessions. See also the time schedules on the definitive starting lists.
List with rejected starts
The list of rejected starts has been published on Live Timing. This will also show the current state of affairs with regard to the reserve list.
Participants from the rejected starts appear automatically on the reserve list unless they indicate that they do not wish to do so.
So, only if a swimmer does NOT want to use his right to a reserve spot, this should be submitted by e-mail by the secretariat on our registration address
Use the subject: “Confirmation reserve participant ODMC2023sc + the name of your club”. You can submit on the registration address until Friday February 10th 8.00 pm (CET) with the following information:
– Team name, name, event number, distance and stroke.
This reserve spot gives a right of placement in the schedule in case of cancellation by a placed participant. Placement is in order of points and up to the moment of seeding of the starting lists, as follows:
• Seeding of the start list Thursday session 1: Wednesday February 15th, 4.30 pm
• Seeding of the start lists Friday session 2 – 3: Thursday February 16th, 4.30 pm
• Seeding of the start lists Saturday session 4 – 5: Friday February 17th, 4.30 pm
• Seeding of the start lists Sunday session 6 – 7: Saturday February 18th, 4.30 pm
Please try to e-mail unexpected sickness / cancellations before above mentioned times, so we can replace with a reserve. After seeding of the start lists, we won’t replace any participants.
Entry fees
Participants from the rejected starts will pay no entry fees for their reserve spot, even when they are placed on the final starting list later. Entry fees already paid for rejected starts will be deducted from the deposit. Reserve participants placed on the starting lists, have the same duties as normal. So, not showing at the start without cancellation will be sanctioned in accordance with the general conditions.
Links websites:
• Mastersprint ODMC information page
• Live Tiing & Streaming
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
Kees-Jan van Overbeeke +31-543-533717
Annet Kootstra
Taskforce Masters Swimming of the KNZB
This text was sent via email to all subscribers on Sunday evening 29 January 2023 at 11:15pm